So much of golfers’ efforts to improve is spent towards changing and fixing instead of developing. Although building sound fundamentals can help you to swing the golf club more efficiently, therefore honing the ability to swing the club fast, control it, and not get hurt, this is not the only thing that matters. Understanding how to practice for periods of time with no intention of fixing anything is an instrumental part of developing one’s golf game.
Many golfers go to the range with no purpose, try one swing thought for 10 to 15 shots, then move onto a new swing thought for 15 more shots and so on until the bucket of golf balls is gone. The approach is one of trying to “get it right” as opposed to trying to improve it and allowing one’s self to intuitively develop golf skills. This means that forms of practice are more linked to improvement than what technical skills you are trying to ingrain. Allowing yourself blocks of practice where you do not try to fix anything but rather look to create golf shots and understand better what is happening to cause certain results is what will really get you to the next level.
So, how do you go about this form of practice when you have so many swing thoughts? Start small by simply selecting a shot that you want to hit to a particular target. Go through your routine just like on the golf course and see if you can execute the golf shot. After the shot analyze the result in terms of how the club was actually delivered to the golf ball and then attempt the same shot again. As you continue in this way becoming more and more focused on target and less concerned with mechanics you may get a sense of simplicity which is the ultimate goal.