Learning Takes Discipline

Learning takes Discipline. 

Discipline: “the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards” 

Many people who come to us at The Golf Performance Center say they would like to learn to be better at golf.  Why would you like to get better at golf?  And are you sure this is what you want to do? Yes, 100%, I am tired of not being better, and reaching my potential.  Ok, let’s do a 5 Elements of Success Evaluation and PDI Assessment to find out where your skills are and why they may be that way, lets measure stuff.  This is how our typical consultation goes like that.  What does this have to do with discipline, you ask?   Let me explain, over the past 25+ years coaching players and athletes, we have learned most people do not understand what it takes to learn. In many cases are not willing to be disciplined enough to stick with the learning process.  Like most things when it comes to learning, it is not easy, there must be a commitment to the process, growth, or open mindset to the new possibilities of doing something familiar different. Learning to play better golf takes time, hard work, great attitude and discipline.  It will take all your abilities to be patient enough to allow learning to take place.  

That’s right learning doesn’t just take place now in which you are taking in the information.  Misconception 101, when the teacher gives you an assignment and you memorize it, doesn’t mean that you have learned the information.  Our brains are awesome computers that can memorize things, but it doesn’t always mean that it knows what to do with the information or how to apply it to the right situation.  Since we are talking about golf, a very complex pattern of movements, thoughts, reactions, and scenarios, many things need to take place in order to learn or apply it in the right situations.  

Steps of learning, 1-identify the problems, 2- develop plan 3-work with a development mindset on the problem area or areas 4- practice and train to transfer the new information, 5-play with new information and repeat the process until the new skills are learned or able to apply.  This will take discipline to stick with the process of learning.  Remember just because you may know the answer it doesn’t mean you know how to apply the knowledge.  

As you move into the off season stay disciplined to learning, it will take time, there will be improvement, mostly likely it will not be “fixed”, you are learning, enjoy that process as it will take time and effort to stick with it.  Each time you play have fun, let it happen, you have trained and worked hard to improve, after your practice or round use the feedback to continue your development!  Another way to know if learning is taking place, use challenges, like the PDI Assessment, this will give you great feedback as to how your skills are improving which should give you more confidence to transfer improving skills to the golf course.  The more you enjoy the process of learning the more success you will have learning and the more eager you are to learn more!

Enjoy your Journey!

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