Take a Walk!

Many of us have been a bit more limited from participating in some of our normal activities throughout the week as a result of the stay at home order we are still under. It has been uplifting how simply taking a walk can refresh you mentally as much as physically these days! If you’ve done this recently I’m sure you can attest to feeling more rejuvenated, after stopping to smell the proverbial roses.
Humans are meant to move, explore, and use our bodies as our strongest tool. Couch potato is not in our DNA, whether we like it or not, and sitting down as much as we do does nothing but breed underdeveloped, weak, asymmetrical bodies. I am not only talking to the adults with jobs that have them at a desk all day, I am also talking to the 10-year old’s that aren’t out building forts and riding bikes, playing capture the flag, and having water balloon fights, but rather sitting on their rear ends playing video games until their thumbs go numb.
I understand that may seem a little harsh (especially in the COVID world we are all trying to manage), but it’s the truth and we need to hear it! There is no better time than now to get outside, get active, and change up your routine a little. We, as a society, have our priorities all wrong when sitting is where we find ourselves most. Take a walk around your neighborhood tonight. Walk with a purpose. I am confident you will feel more alert as a result (it can also help you clear your mind!)
Golf courses are open and packed with play as the weather gets nicer, and a blessing in disguise is that many are not allowing carts. It is my hope that this is helping more people realize the benefits they are getting from walking the golf course. I realize some tracks are a bit more of a test than others, but look at it as a challenge! It would be great to see less of a reliance on carts even after they start to allow them back on the course. Give close attention to how you feel and how you perform when you walk instead of ride. Do you find yourself getting into a better rhythm by avoiding the stop/start, stop/start nature of the golf cart? Is your heart rate slightly elevated and the legs feeling warm? These are all good things! Remember, golfers are athletes!
In conclusion, if you want your body to take care of you, you need to take care of your body. Carrying your clubs on the course is a great start, and simply going for a walk will help you hit the reset button. Enjoy!

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