Hitting Reset

Some of you may have seen Charles Howell III claim his first PGA Tour title in over 11 years a couple of weeks ago. This was a testament to his fortitude as Charles had not closed the deal five consecutive times that he had the 54 hole lead. Although he has been consistent and won over $35 million in his career that must have taken a toll on him. He is an athlete and undoubtedly competes to win.

After the win Brandel Chamblee aptly stated that to see the resetting of an athlete is one of the greatest things you can ever witness in sport. There is no doubt that Charles must have confronted some demons and put the work in to make himself better than ever. Wins on the PGA Tour don’t just magically appear. 

What we can learn from this story is that sometimes the answer is to look deep inside yourself and find where good golf really comes from. It comes from the same place that inspired you to create the goals you have in the first place. When we lose touch with this place then golf can become exceedingly difficult as your resolve is easily diminished. Make no mistake, golf is hard, and playing the game from anywhere but that place of inspiration is even harder. This is a great time of year to hit reset as we enter the off season. Think about when you started the game and what motivated you. Spend time reflecting and find a way to tap into the inspiration that is inside you.

Congratulations to Charles Howell III for showing us all what it takes on this journey.

Practice Smart!

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