Giving Thanks

Many of us find the game of golf very fickle and thus have a true love/hate relationship with the game.  If we are honest about why this is, we usually have to admit that we abandon our gratitude for the opportunity to play this great game. Instead, we focus our energy on what we feel we are entitled to when it comes to performance. 

Now that the season of giving thanks has arrived, we tend to reflect on the times throughout the year where we lose sight of everything that we have. I am not pointing the finger as I know too well the experience of losing perspective on golf and its meaning in our lives. I believe it’s important to understand that golf is a great medium of personal growth and that regardless of performance, there are lessons that go far beyond the game. 

So, let’s all take the time to give thanks for the experiences that golf has given us, the relationships that we have built, the growth that has come from the game, and simply for the challenge with which the game always presents us.  As someone who loves the game, you will always strive to be better and attempt to bring the commitment that the goal demands, but know that when you fall short you become stronger and that is what makes the game of golf so great.

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