Why Are You Landing it There?

Effective chipping demands not only skillful hands and solid motion but also a deep understanding of where to place your shot. While many golfers focus on the mechanics of their swing and the condition of the green, mastering the art of choosing the optimal landing spot can elevate your short game from good to exceptional.

Consider this: Do you have a clear strategy behind your chosen landing spot? For many golfers, whether competitive or recreational, landing spots are often chosen based on instinct, past experiences, or simply where their eyes are drawn. As coaches, we frequently ask players, “What do you want to achieve with this shot?” The answers can sometimes be surprisingly basic. To truly enhance your game, it’s crucial to be so precise and deliberate in your approach that you could clearly explain it to someone who has never held a golf club.

Let’s walk through a simple process that could help your short game. Start by considering a scenario: You have a 10-yard chip shot on a flat green, and you’ve selected a 56-degree wedge. If I asked you what percentage of the shot would be airborne versus roll-out, you might say 60% airborne and 40% roll-out. This means you’d aim to land the ball about 6 yards from you, with the remaining 4 yards accounting for roll-out. This basic calculation gives you a reasoned approach to choosing your landing spot.

As you advance, you can factor in more variables such as elevation changes, lie conditions, terrain, green speeds, and the precise spot where you plan to land the ball. Your personal judgment and past experiences will play a significant role in some of this process. Different clubs will yield different percentages, and incorporating this process can help you determine the optimal distance and landing spot for each club.

Now, imagine if you had access to a professional golfer like Tiger Woods on the chipping green. How many different shots do you think they’d play, and how many clubs would they use? Their ability to leverage a wide array of clubs and techniques which highlights the importance of versatility and strategic thinking in your short game.

Refining your chipping game involves more than just technique—it requires a thoughtful approach to selecting landing spots and everything that will affect your ball whilst it’s in motion. By understanding and implementing a strategic process, you can make your game more manageable and ultimately more effective. So next time you’re faced with a chip shot, ask yourself: Are you making the game easier or harder for yourself? With the right strategy, you can transform your short game and create an array of creative scenarios when you’re out on the golf course.

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