As another Academy year gets underway I want to take a minute to “re-familiarize” all of our Members with our Physical Therapist, Dr. Kate Campbell. We are excited to once again have Kate supporting our athletes as they manage any ailments they encounter as they push themselves to get better each day. Below is a note from Kate that gives some insight to her treatment methods and how she approaches any aches and pains you may be experiencing, as well as when she will be helping us this coming year!

‘Hello GPC Athletes,

First, I want to give you an idea of how I treat and how it lends itself to the model we’ve designed for you. I am McKenzie Certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment. This means that I am different from other therapists in that I don’t rely on “passive” treatments (e.g. ultrasound, electrical stimulation, etc.) and I don’t require long treatment plans (some others can be as long as three times per week for six week periods). Rather, I focus on evaluating athletes’ mechanical issues and prescribing exercise programs to be completed independently. The goal is a quick, self-guided and sustainable solution for injuries.

I will be supporting the Achieve program on Wednesday and Thursday mornings during their active rest days in the gym, as well as the Elite and Competitive programs every other Wednesday from 4-6pm at GPC. Adult members are also welcome to reach out to set up a time to meet as well! While I’m here to help the golfer in you, consider consulting me for any physical issue (golf-related or not). Have a nagging pain that isn’t bad enough or long enough to run to the MD? Or perhaps a lingering issue that hurts a lot but you just don’t have time to deal with? Stop by and let’s talk about it… we can figure out a treatment that you can do on your own. Just follow the plan and I will follow up via email or text to see if we need to get together again.

If you plan on seeing me on a Wednesday please give me a “heads up” via email or text so I can allot enough time for everyone. I’ll give you a time-slot so there won’t be any waiting. Of course, walk-ins are welcome. I’m going to do my best to help everyone at GPC as efficiently as possible. I will be stationed in the new medical room which will be located just off the Junior Clubhouse.

If this availability still doesn’t work for you, I will be offering one-on-one sessions to GPC members. Email me for details.

My purpose here is to bring a new and different knowledge base to the group. Please tell me what you want to learn, golf related or not, and I will try to proactively provide an educated response. My goal is to help you be healthy and comfortable in your home/school/work life so that you can maximize your golf performance.

-Kate Campbell

There are no shortcuts on the quest for perfection.”

-Ben Hogan


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