Experiences Lead To Wisdom

Experiences leads to Wisdom

It is tough to listen to sometimes. Golfers mutter that they have failed, even quit playing the game or their practice just because they failed to hit a shot the way they thought they should have.  If that is the case, we all are failures or have failed. I disagree with this statement!  Failing to pull off a shot happens to everyone who plays the game of golf, not being able to execute on a shot that you thought you could hit does not mean you are a failure or that you failed. It just means that you did not execute on your plan to hit a good shot! A much different way of looking at an outcome is a good quote from a legendary coach, “we didn’t lose the game, we just ran out of time.”  The coach could have scolded his team but instead he would use these moments to allow his players to think of themselves positively.  An outcome is a good way to review your progress in a way, to gain experience/s that lead to a different outcome, not good or bad, learning. 

If you reflect back over your summer of golf, my guess is you will recognize that you missed some shots and likely had moments of brilliance. You had experiences that lead to an outcome. You may have had your personal best on one occasion, but if you did not give yourself a break, you are not going to hit every shot perfectly; it is improbable to hit every shot perfectly!  Before you give up the game, or swear off working harder to improve, take a break and reflect on the causation or your mishaps that may have led to not scoring your best. Be Honest, wisdom is found in the truth for yourself.  Are you being realistic with your expectations?  Are you putting in the proper work on the proper things to continue your progress?  Golf is hard. Your summer of not so good golf can lead to some great breakthroughs this offseason if you let it!  You can gain from your mistakes. 

Find comfort that all golfers fail in some shape or form, it will happen, it will continue to happen regardless of level of skill!  Growth ebbs and flows, it does not happen all at once. Every time we play there is a unique learning opportunity. If we make every bad shot or round a failure it will make for a difficult time to learn and grow in this game. When it gets tough is usually when you make the biggest breakthroughs! Don’t let a few bad shots or rounds get you down, fight hard to learn from them and remember, failing does not mean you are a failure, you are gaining valuable experience to put you on the super highway of better success!

Enjoy your Journey!

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