We’ve all got a phrase or saying that mean something to us. A short phrase that resonates with you, that gets you fired up and motivated to get after it. “Get after it” that’s not a bad one, actually! Roger urges all of the viewers of the 5 Elements of Success Player Development Series show on YouTube to do that at the end of each episode! Each year the coaching staff chooses a mantra to kick off the new Academy year as a way to set the tone for the months to come and be reminded of a simple thought when the going gets tough. Similar to the encouraging words Roger uses when he tells us to “get after it,” this year the coaching staff at GPC is telling our athletes to “Bring IT!” This saying, although simple in many senses, can be interpreted many ways. 

Do you ever wake up, and not feel ready to take on the day? We all have days where we aren’t feeling “it.” The difference in those who reach the highest level of their craft and those who don’t is the ability to push through and make the most of those days. The thing is, you have a choice, every day. What you bring to your workout, to your academics, and to your golf development is a choice. We are challenging you to Bring IT! Bring everything you’ve got. Bring the passion, bring the energy, bring the grit, and push yourself to do more than just show up. If you do, you will tap into potential you didn’t know you had.  

Do you ever wake up, and not feel ready to take on the day? We all have days we aren’t feeling “it.” The difference in those who reach the highest level of their craft and those who don’t is the ability to push through those days. You have a choice, every day. What you bring to your workout, to your academics, and to your golf development is a choice. We are challenging you to Bring IT! Bring everything you’ve got. Bring the passion, bring the energy, bring the grit, and push yourself to do more than just show up. If you do, you will tap into potential you didn’t know you had.

It’s time to bring IT! 

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